Monday, February 11, 2019

Indeed, the LORD will give what is good, And our land will yield its produce. Psalm 85:12

Last night I was cooking up a dish of chicken stuffed with cheese and asparagus. The directions called for it to cook at 350 for 45 minutes AND reach a temperature of 165 degrees. I always play it on the safe side, so I bumped up the heat to 375 and let it cook for more than 45 minutes. It smelled so good and when I pulled it out, it looked ready to eat. But something told me to check the internal temperature. To my surprise it hadn’t cooked enough internally to make it safe to eat. So, back in the oven for 15 more minutes.  

So often we see something we want and we know God is going to give it to us, but He withholds it until its ready for His delivery. During the wait, we ask God why He is withholding something good for us and we can clearly see its right there in front of us. From today’s illustration I believe God delays His blessings because He is making sure our heart is ready to receive what good things He wants to provide.

If I had eaten the chicken that hadn’t been fully cooked, I would have gotten sick. The same with God’s blessings, if we aren’t prepared mentally, emotionally or spiritually, it won’t serve its purpose and could actually hurt us in the long run.

 I know…a long story and text, but the lesson in today’s blog is trust in the Lord when He delays giving you what you expect to receive from Him. He is preparing your heart for something great and when its finally delivered, it will yield a bountiful harvest for not only you but God as well. Wait upon the Lord, for His timing is perfect! God bless!

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