Wednesday, February 27, 2019

She who is truly a widow, left all alone, has set her hope on God and continues in supplications and prayers night and day. 1 Timothy 5:5

It seems marriages are being torn apart left and right. Couples who’ve endured some of the most challenging times simply give up after years of sacrifice and defeat in the battles they encountered. But what about the widow? The man or woman who was deeply in love with their spouse, then lost them due to an illness or accident. Forever gone, they have left a hole in their life and heart.

God spoke to me yesterday about this topic and impressed upon my heart that a widow should be a “window” for Christ. That void is real and your love for your spouse was genuine. Why not transform your life into a widow so others can see the love you had by talking about your spouse, sharing those special times and displaying a love for him or her just as if they were still with you today. By doing so, you allow others to see the example of genuine love and might be an encouragement to a couple who is struggling in their marriage.

Just because you are a widow doesn’t mean your marriage has ended. It’s a beautiful story to share with others and an opportunity to show the love of Christ to a world who encourages giving up over fighting for the marriage.  Share your story with others this week and see a change in the lives of those around you! God bless!

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