Saturday, February 9, 2019

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

The other day I attended the Mr. and Mrs. THS event which boys and girls competed to be the Mr and Mrs  at Troup County High School. When I first walked in I noticed the middle section of the stage curtain was green. Then as the production went on, it changed colors. When the event was over and the lights came up I noticed it was white. It had been white all the time, but the colors from the spot light made it appear to be different.

As Christians, we go through times in life where we encounter joy and sadness, success and defeat, accomplishments and failures, gain and loss. With each change, our dependency on Jesus fluctuates. For me personally, there are times when I feel like I need Him more than ever, and times when I feel less needy. But, no matter the occasion, no matter my relationship status with Him, He never changes. His love is so unconditional, its hard to grasp its intensity at times. But I can assure you, just as the colors change in our life, His love never fails us. Its always the same.

Maybe you’ve been through some dark and difficult times in your life and you feel like the changing of your colors are too much for Jesus to love you. Put those thoughts in the can and embrace His unchanging love for you! As a child of God, He loves you no matter what state of dependency you are in. His color, His love and His commitment to keep you for His own never changes. God bless!

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