Thursday, February 14, 2019

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. John 15:12

Happy Valentines Day everyone. I hope today is special for you in the fact that someone loves you and you love them. Yes, the traditional celebration of having that special relationship, someone who loves you and you love them is recognized on Valentines day, but it shouldn’t stop there.

Jesus commands us to love each other and He even takes it to another level, to love as He loves us. That’s unconditional love, that’s love never ending, full of grace and forgiveness, a love that is not jealous or envious, a love that never runs out. Love comes from Jesus Christ, through His Holy Spirit, living inside of each child of God. And that’s the power we can draw upon to love the unlovable.

Even if you aren’t wrapped up with someone this Valentines Day, it doesn’t mean you can’t love on others. Show the world around you that as a Christian you love them, as Christ loves you, and that you have a genuine concern for their well-being. Jesus is the perfect demonstrator of love, follow His lead as you make every day a Valentines Day to those around you!

But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. Colossians 3:14

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