Wednesday, February 13, 2019

She extends her hand to the poor, Yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy. Proverbs 31:20

Proverbs 31:10 – 31 is a passage that describes “The Virtuous Wife”. The qualities of a strong woman of faith resounds above the rest, as she lives out her life, faithful to God and her family. Yet with all her priorities, she still has a heart for those in need. Today’s verse states it well…she extends her hand to the poor, she reaches out to the needy.

She can reach out to those in need because she realizes God’s blessing weren’t meant to be stored up for herself. They were meant to be shared. When God sends blessings our way, they usually overfill our cup. What we do with our blessings will determine future blessings from God.

Like the virtuous wife, are you aware of God’s blessings in your life? Do you see the needs of others in your world? It takes only one simple act…a smile, a touch, an act of service to bless someone else. So simple, and they multiply into more blessings…that are meant to be shared….over and over. Reach out this week to someone in need and see what God can do with your act of kindness. After a while you wont waste a single blessing, but share it with the ones who need to see Christ through your generosity. Go share Christ today thru the act of giving! God bless!  

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