Sunday, February 17, 2019

Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, HE will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgement. John 16: 7-8

You ever have an occasion where you faced something and this little voice inside tells you to stay away or its not a good idea? We often give credit to our wisdom from previous experiences or intuition. Today’s scripture is a good reminder that the Helper, The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, is with us and live inside every believer. His Spirit convicts the believer when they are headed down the wrong path and quietly disrupts their journey in an attempt to get their attention before disaster hits. Trust me, I know it all too well.

The Holy Spirit also convicts the non-believer, calling them to surrender their life to Christ, to believe in Him, receive full forgiveness of ever single sin and to live a life within the will of Christ. I recall that “tug in my heart” from His Spirit when I was 12. I realized that I was lost in my sin and I needed Him to guide me through life and of course receive His unconditional love. I can tell you its real and every day life means more to me than before I knew Him.

Maybe you don’t feel ready to commit to Jesus Christ, but you can feel that “tug in your heart”. Friend, that’s the Holy Spirit calling you to a new life that will be richly blessed if you simply commit to Him today. Praying and asking Jesus Christ to come into your life, forgive your sins and live in obedience to His will… praying and studying God’s word.

For those who are a believer, don’t give credit to the wrong person when you feel the conviction of sin. Its God’s Spirit and He wants you to turn from the path you’ve chosen and return to the narrow path of obedience. Don’t take another step in the wrong direction, disaster is up ahead and your next step might be your last.

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