Thursday, November 30, 2017

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:12


Ever ask yourself why God is allows certain people to come against you, causing you strife, emotional chaos….and you ask God to remove those trouble makers from your life? Can you relate? If you are living life, you either are or will experience opposition from others. It’s a fact of life.


This morning God laid upon my heart this thought as He was talking to me and said……”you think you have problems…think about the daily challenges I have as God with Satan always trying to foil My plans.” As I thought for a minute, I came to the quick conclusion that He does have more trouble than I do. God’s plans are lived out in our daily life, so, yes, we as children of God, will encounter all kinds of strife, because the enemy will use others to make our day miserable. But one thing we always need to remember, the battle is not ours, it’s God; and He promises to fight those daily battles for us…if we simply turn to Him for help. You and I can’t do it on our own, it’s a battle God has to tackle for us….every day!


As you face your demons…whether they come in the form of people, things or habits….call upon God for help! Bind Satan in the name of Jesus Christ and trust Him each and every day to fight a battle bigger than you. Pray for other believers who are under persecution. And always check your intentions to make sure you aren’t part of Satan’s plan to foil God’s plan…yes even Christians can get caught up in Satan’s battle against other believers in Christ…so make sure you are on the right side! 


The battle is not yours, but God! Give it to Him daily and thank Him for all He does to protect and defend you! Have a blessed day friend!


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.

1 John 3:2


This past week I have been home visiting my family for the Thanksgiving holiday. One thing that consumed my time was cleaning out my grandmother’s house. One of her favorite things to do is put together jigsaw puzzles, and she has a lot of them!  If you’ve never done one, I encourage you to give it a try…they are challenging and fun to work on.


As a child of God, you are like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Let’s break this down.


  1. God has planned you to be in a specific place. No one else is like you. Your shape, coloring and placement is significant to God’s beautiful creation. Without you, His master piece would have a noticeable void. So be proud of who you are and serve the Lord with all your strength and might.
  2. Like a piece of the puzzle, you hold others together. You are not one piece, meant to stand alone. As your life interlocks with others, you hold them to a Godly standard and they help you stay accountable to God. Your life provides strength to that area of the puzzle. God has placed specific people in your life to help you, strengthen you and gain wisdom…weather they are good or bad…they have a purpose…so never discredit those in your little place on the puzzle board.  
  3. If you’ve ever had a puzzle piece missing, you stop what you are doing and search all over for it.  Without it, the puzzle won’t be complete. As a child of God, the Lord will do all He can to find you when you fall off the puzzle board. No matter how far you fall, He will always search for you, because He loves you and wants you to be a part of His plan. So never think just because you fall from grace, He wont miss you…He will…and He will do everything in His power to get you back.
  4. When you complete a puzzle, you stand back and marvel at its beauty and feel a sense of accomplishment with the challenging task of putting it together. One day, God will stand back and look over all of His children and marvel at how they fit together to make a beautiful reflection of Him! Be that piece of God’s puzzle that shines every day and reflect Him in every aspect of your life! You are God’s master piece! God bless!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27


Have you ever broken your leg or had surgery and needed to use crutches? Thankfully I have not, but have known people to use them. Without crutches, they couldn’t walk and go places. Praising God He has protected me in all my years of motorcycle riding, snow skiing and hiking.


As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. Just like those crutches that help get us places; The Holy Spirit helps us navigate through life, and the more we we rely on Him to see us through each day, the more we will be effective in our Christian life and make an impact on those around us. But, we have to lean on Him daily, even when we don’t feel the need for His help. If you are like me, it seems every day has its challenges and without God I am useless and can’t do it on my own. I can tell you when I am prayed up and trusting in Him, when faced with a significant challenge, He comes through and helps me navigate the day in a way only God can do.


The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18

Maybe today you feel brokenhearted or injured emotionally. God is there, ready to help through His Holy Spirit. All you have to do is reach out and trust in Him to see you through and bring healing to your soul. He will do it every day if you just simply give it to Him. Trust me friend, you are NO burden to God. He is very capable of managing the universe and still meet your every need. Call out to Him today and see the impossible be conquered through the Holy Spirit living inside you! God bless!

Monday, November 27, 2017

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10


When pouring concrete, forms are used to create the shape and size of the thing that’s being made. Preparing the ground before the pour is just as important as the forms that shape it. With an adequate foundation and properly set forms, the concrete project will be a success.


Our lives in Christ are like a concrete project, God shapes us into a certain mold. We come in all shapes and sizes, sex, nationalities…we are all different, but the one thing is the same, Christ in us. His Holy Spirit is the concrete, poured into our lives, and it should fill every nook and cranny within our mold. As we grow in our faith, God sees areas not completely filled with His Spirit, so he prepares new ground in our life to receive His pouring of Spirit. Sometimes He has to remove the rocks and dirt we’ve entrusted for our earthly foundation, yet He knows His foundation is more stable and secure. So we trust Him when He does His prep work. It might be painful and scary at times, but necessary for His pour to be perfect!


Maybe God is constructing an addition onto your foundation. Your faith has grown, so more room is needed within your life for His Spirit. Allow Him to dig out those rocks, cut out some of the dirt in the new addition…He is making everything just right for your foundation in Him to grow and impact other lives for His glory. He never stops working and growing us…keep growing with Him and blessings will come your way! Have an awesome day in Christ!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. James 1:22
Recall back to your teenage years. Ummmmm that will take some brain digging for me. So, remember when you were preoccupied with watching TV or laying in your room listening to music….when Mom or Dad comes in and gives you a list of things to do. As your eyes or ears continue to focus on your pleasure, you listen and nod when they are done reciting that list. About an hour later, they come back within your presence, with a not so friendly demeanor, and their voice is raised….quickly turning your mind from “self” to them. Unless you are a glutton for punishment…you got up and did what they asked.  
As Christians, we do the same, young or old. We attend church and our mind is on pleasing self. Shaking hands, hugging friends, recapping the week’s events, checking out what everyone is wearing….whew…it can be a whirlwind of self-pleasure.  Sit down, grab the phone to check for any text messages or FB post, maybe send a message….you get the idea. The choir sings and we get into the music a little…after the fourth song you are ready to sit back down. Finally the preacher starts his sermon and you try your best to listen…..after a few minutes you wonder if someone responded to your text. Grabbing your phone you check it out….seems like the preacher is looking at you and you give him a look like…yea I’m listening. After church you go out for dinner and someone asks…”how was church and what was the message on?” Well….with all those distractions you can’t recall….thankfully you have the bulletin with you and quickly read its contents to answer the question. Yea….anyone guilty?
You have to ask….why did I even go to church if I didn’t get anything out of the message or music. Like a teenager, we can be easily distracted at church...but church is the one place where Christians get their instructions for life and answers to problems. It’s also a time of spiritual refreshment for the week ahead. As today’s scripture says…don’t be just hearers…but doers. When you come into worship, you should be empty….ready to receive God’s word and spiritual fuel to get you through another week. Leave the phone in the car, (carry a bible and not rely on the bible ap), train your mind to focus on the music and message and carry your burdens to the alter. Removing self-pleasure at church is the ONLY way to hear God….which leads to doing His will! Go at church today focused, ready to worship Him! You will find more value in your attendance and God will richly bless you! Worship Him today! God bless!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

He calms the storm, so that its waves are still. Psalm 107:29


If you are like me, a visit to the ocean does something special for the soul. The vastness of water, the continual waves coming ashore and that smell of the ocean. It’s an amazing sight to see God’s creation. One thing I’ve noticed, when the waves are coming in strong…it’s hard to hear much of anything. The wind, which drives the waves, and the crashing waves against the sand can be quite noisy. It disrupts the peacefulness of the ocean experience.


Our life encounters various storms. Whew, Lord knows they can be loud and pound on the soul, removing any form of peace.  But God! He can calm those storms to a whisper. When you call upon Him for help, He responds in the “right way” for your specific need. He uses the storms of life to teach you lessons. Every low pressure system that is forecasted for you has a’s up to you to trust in God to help see you through the experience. As His hand gently holds back the storms violence, you begin to hear His voice calling out to you, providing the way forward. 


Trust Him with every storm. When you do, you can hear Him more clearly and see your way through the dark clouds of adversity to clearer skies. Reminds me of the song….I Can See Clearly Now. Check out the lyrics….trust God and know, He will see your way through and calm the raging waves.


I can see clearly now, the rain is gone, I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind. It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day. I think I can make it now, the pain is gone. All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I've been prayin' for, It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.


Look ahead today for that bright, bright Sun-Shiny day! God bless!

Friday, November 24, 2017

What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? Romans 6:1-2
If you’ve ever constructed something out of wood, you know that wood without defects is the best. It’s strong and not prone to warp, splinter and break. I have made things in the past, and the time looking over that lumber was critical to ensure I had quality material. Unless I use wood without defects, I’m wasting my time on a project that most likely will break apart during the construction process.
You may not realize it, but you are God’s construction project. He has plans for you and wants to make something beautiful out of your life for His glory and bless you in the process. Every time you sin, you acquire a knot in your framework and it weakens your witness and puts you at risk of spiritual breakdown. Purposeful sin, knowingly living outside the will of God, puts weight on your structure and eventually you will break apart and be useless for God’s kingdom.  
Sin is damaging to the child of God, especially when it’s purposeful. If you find it easy to sin, maybe you need to do a spiritual checkup. God’s children love Him and want to please and not walk any long in the very thing that separated Him from themselves. Don’t be a wasted project of Christ. Live for Him each day and walk in complete obedience. He will bless you!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church. Colossians 1:24 

Question…..have you ever run out of gas? I have and it’s a helpless and embarrassing situation…especially if you are far from home. What goes from bad to good, is when someone stops and helps provide transportation to a gas station to get gas and fill up your tank to get you on your way once again. You are thankful for that passerby who came to your aide!

As Christians, we oftentimes run out of gas in our journey through life. Circumstances happen, people hurt us, mounting debt…..the situations can be different, but the outcome is the same…GOD comes to our rescue! There is NOTHING sweeter in life than when He comes to our aid and fills our spiritual fuel tank. I can’t tell you the number of times He has filled my tank and got me back on the road, even in the most dire of situations.

Maybe today you are out of gas spiritually. You’ve been running on fumes and finally come to a halt. Find reason to rejoice in your emptiness, because HE will fill you with something greater than you could ever find yourself….His love, His presence, His healing hand. Thank Him in all things, even in times of suffering, because when the tank is empty, He fills it with something better! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things of the earth.  
Colossians 3:1-2
Here we are, the day before Thanksgiving and all businesses are advertising their “black Friday” sales. Pages and pages of “good deals” abound in hopes of luring you in to buy from them. Whether it’s for yourself or a Christmas present, you will find a good deal in the coming days. If you are like me, you can easily focus on things you want and consume yourself with the advertising mania.  
I caution you about getting caught up in all the advertising. Although some things might be necessary, there is one thing that should be front and center in your mind and on your heart this Thanksgiving season and that is God! Through His Son’s death and resurrection, you have a blessing that no one can give or share…just talk about. Eternal life in Heaven came at the best deal God could give you…Jesus Christ. Focus on Him and thank Him for your salvation and eternal security.
As you gather with family and friends, I encourage you to advertise your faith. The best deal is not found in the newspaper advertisements, but in what God has done for you. Share the love of God with those outside the faith. They might not find His deal the best for them right now, but you planted the seed…and with some prayer and spiritual conviction, that seed will germinate into something beautiful for the Lord. He paid it in full, all you have to do is share it with others. Advertise what God can do for your friends and family this Thanksgiving! God bless!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Both the singers and the players on instruments say, “All my springs are in you.”

Psalm 87:7

About this time of year, we tend to reflect upon the past year and look at the good times and bad times and determine if this was a year to remember or forget and hope next year is better. Sadly, so many use the circumstances of life to evaluate the year’s success. Trust me friends, we are living in perilous times, and if you are a Christian, you will encounter many attacks from Satan through those circumstances, evil people and personal losses. Your hope and trust is not in this world, but God.

As todays verse says…all my springs are in you. As a child of God, you should not seek happiness in worldly things, places or people. They all will break down, let you down and possibly break you spiritually, mentally and physically. Focus on God and drink from His goodness, His strength, His joy. Like water coming up from a spring, draw from its source every day. The closer you are to the spring, the purer the water. The further you are from the spring, the more contaminants get into that water source and all you get is dirty water.

The occurrences of this year should not be a deal breaker for your outlook on 2017. Your source of joy should come from the Lord. As we approach Thanksgiving, take time to THANK GOD for bringing you through the storms of life, holding your hand as you saw a loved one pass away before you and heal you from sickness, strongholds and heartbreak. He is your source of joy, drink from His wellspring of life and find everyday satisfying. God bless!

Monday, November 20, 2017

10 The one who believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself; the one who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has given concerning His Son. 11 And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. 13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life. 1 John 5:10-13

Many of the people who call In Touch have questions about their salvation. They’re frustrated to feel uncertainty about such an important issue. Today’s devotion is a three-part salvation assessment. If you answer yes to every question, you can be sure that you are in God’s family and destined for an eternity in His presence. If you answer no, you’ll know exactly which issue(s) to talk over with your pastor or spiritual mentor.

1. Do I trust Scripture? Salvation is a one-step process: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). Either we trust that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world (including ours), or we don’t (John 3:16).

2. Do I accept the witness of the Holy Spirit? Anyone who believes in Jesus has the Spirit dwelling within his or her being. That is, the Holy Spirit testifies with regard to our identity as God’s children (Rom. 8:16). It’s not about whether we feel saved; God’s Spirit offers an abiding conviction that we are.

3. Do I walk like a follower of Jesus? Those who are in Christ are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). If we have been transformed, then there are going to be changes in our life. Simply put, true believers are creatures who seek the things of God—they desire to read and understand His Word, they want to gather with His people, etc.

Confirmed Christ-followers still sin. Some even backslide for a time. No matter how meandering our walk of faith may be, the Holy Spirit continues to convict. He won’t allow us to be satisfied with wrongdoing. That tug of guilt over sin is yet another assurance that you’ve placed yourself in God’s grip.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17


If you are like most Christians, you tend to find yourself caught up in the same sins, over and over and over again. Maybe it’s a bad habit, an out of control tongue that speaks ugly things,  going back to that same old relationship that you know is wrong or simply behaviors that are unbecoming of a Christian. So, how can you overcome a certain sin behavior that seems to come around each day? 


First off, know that Satan targets your weakness. He knows what sins you are vulnerable to commit and will do everything he can to get you to repeat it over and over so you feel unworthy of God’s love. So with that said, lets first develop a battle plan.  Focus on one sin and strategize on how you will work to overcome it. Do you need to stop hanging around certain people, places or things? Write it down…I will avoid going……., I will stop communicating with……, I will ………! A change in your behavior will help minimize the landmines that are set to blow you off course.


Call in reinforcements, Call on God. “Likewise the Spirit helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” Romans 8:26 When you keep an open line of communication with God and let Him know you want to remove a sin from your life, His Spirit can and will help you overcome. His Spirit, who lives inside of you, is like a radar. You might not see Satan’s attacks coming, but He does…and He prays on your behalf. He may summon the help of angels to fight your demons. Trust me friend…it’s a spiritual warfare, you are not equipped to fight on your own. So keep that open line of communication with Him and always be ready to take action when His Spirit speaks to you!


“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able. But with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13  Just know that God ALWAYS provides a way to escape Satan’s attacks. Its up to YOU to listen to that warning call and take action to avoid it.  If you were riding down the road and someone stopped you and said there is an active shooter ahead and he is killing everyone, you would not go down that road. So LISTEN to the voice of God and heed His advice. Sometimes the temptation is so strong, all you can do is say…Jesus take my hand and help me get away from this temptation. He will do it.


Whew, a long blog and I apologize….sins are the sticks of dynamite that weaken your faith and rob you of your joy in the Lord. Develop your battle plan to tackle one sin this week and follow it closely and stay in contact with God. Together you can overcome certain sins that come around too often. God bless!

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Let each of you look out not only for his own interest, but also for the interest of others.

Philippians 2:4


Yesterday while out riding, I stopped at a store to purchase a few items. When I pulled up, I noticed an elderly, rough looking man, walking out of the store towards his old, beat up Ford Ranger truck. His walking ability was poor and he used a stick to steady himself. At first glance I could tell he has had a rough life and was struggling to get by. Inside his truck was an old, lazy dog who simply was this man’s best friend. It was a pitiful sight and my heart just wanted to reach out and help him.


I went in the store, picked up a few items and checked out using my debit card. As I went through the checkout process, it asked if I wanted cash. I selected $20, got my money and receipt and walked out. To my surprise, the man was still there, putting oil in his truck’s engine. As he got into his truck, he started the hard running engine…meanwhile I was putting on my riding gear, when I heard this voice, telling me to give this man that $20. Without hesitation I pulled it out of my wallet and handed it to him. “Sir, I’d like to give this to you…God has blessed me and I want to pass along some of His blessings”. The man at first refused, but when I mentioned God’s blessings He smiled and willingly received the gift. Not sure who was more blessed, him or me.


Folks, I share this story not to receive any recognition. There are needs out there that don’t come with a “help me” sign. As Christians, our eyes need to be open for the needs of others…whether it’s a helping hand, sharing some food or money with someone in need or simply putting your arm around someone and letting them know you are concerned for them and will be praying on their behalf. Are you looking out for the interest of others? When you respond to the needs of others, God sees your goodness and will bless you along the way…even if it’s the satisfaction in seeing their smile and acknowledgement that God is the reason for your generosity.


Do you see the needs of others? Ask God to open your eyes and heart to see beyond yourself. There is a field full of souls ready to be harvested for Christ….take an active role and share the blessings and love of God today! God bless friend!

Friday, November 17, 2017

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1


A short time in any store these days and you will hear a child screaming because his parent will not buy him what he wants. Scream, kick, lay down…nothing works out for that child who has a “want” tantrum.

Hopefully the parent will be strong enough to stand his ground and not cave into the kid’s desire for whatever his eyes are focused on for the moment.


As adults, how do we respond when we don’t get what we want? Think about it for a moment…..That new car, house, new job, that someone you like….and yes lets even throw in a new motorcycle too! J We all have wants and desires for things and people, and when we don’t get it…we tend to focus on the item or person we can’t have way too long. We may not lay down and cry, scream and kick….but we do focus on it and it consumes us to the point that we do things counter to our normal behavior; we tend to rationalize things…good grief, we can make a mess of ourselves if we keep wanting things and people we can’t get!


What we need is to keep our focus on the Lord. As today’s passages says…The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. The Lord provides us with everything we need in life…food, housing, people, job…God provides. Until we learn to trust Him completely to meet our every need, we will be vulnerable to things of this world…that can easily distract us and take us down a road we were never intended to journey. Thank GOD, He has withheld certain things and people from my life. I have learned the key to listening to the Spirit who lives inside me….He tells me what’s good and what’s not. Sometimes He has had to intervene and move things and people away to get my attention. And it’s worked.


“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11. Final thought……If you can’t get it, then God never intended for you to have it or you aint living right! Walk right with the Lord every day and HE WILL supply everything you need in life! And if you are taking a breath while reading this blog, you are blessed with life! Trust your life in His care and your every “good” need will be met! God bless!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Romans 12:12


Affliction, it comes in different forms… issues, financial troubles, wayward child or chaos in life. Nothing stretches us mentally, physically and emotionally when we suffer some form of affliction. When we encounter affliction, we want it to hurry up and go away quickly…and hopefully not return for a long time.


Today’s passage says “patient in affliction”. How can we be patient when the pressure is on and why be patient??? Patience, when under pressure, allows you the opportunity to see God’s hand working in your situation…..if you turn it over to His care. As you prayerfully work through the affliction, you see God answering little prayers that work towards the end result…whatever that might be. He might not completely remove the affliction, but He will certainly sustain you and walk with you through the challenging circumstances.


God will see you through to the other side of the storm, YOU have to remain faithful in prayer, be joyful in hope….knowing God has this in His hands, then be patient and watch God work in your affliction to bring out a better you through it all! And He will, trust me….I’m living proof there is goodness on the other side of affliction. Trust Him today in all matters and thank Him for His goodness!  God bless!  

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. Matthew 18:11


A while back, Wal-Mart stores initiated a plan to help locate a missing child in the store. Once a parent or guardian notified a store employee, they would call out over the intercom a certain code, alerting staff to be on the lookout for a child walking alone. They would also have employees stand by the doors to prevent a child from wondering outside without a parent. It is a good system and has helped many parents reconnect with their lost child.


For centuries, leading up to the arrival of Jesus Christ, many prophets predicted the arrival of a Savior who would save mankind. Detailed accounts of His life were foretold, and later in time those words were lived out by God’s son, Jesus Christ. His arrival was not to condemn, but to save those who did not know Him and make them believe in God through the life of Christ. Word spread of His existence, people came from miles and miles just to see Jesus….from His birth until His death. Jesus was the saving code of mankind.


Are you lost? Do you know that God created this world, including you? He wants to connect to you through a personal relationship. But you first must be found in Christ. Call out to Him today, asking for forgiveness of sins, believe in Christ death and resurrection (for your sins) and walk daily with Him. The code of Jesus is still active and He is there, ready for you to find Him in your lost state. Call out to Him today and be saved. God bless!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

For i will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds, says the Lord, Because they called you an outcast. Jeremiah 30:17

If you've ever been to an antique car show, you see the results of someone's passion for restoring an old car and making it look new. Hours and hours are spent repairing the car's body, cleaning off the old paint and rust so a fresh coat of paint can be applied. Then comes additional hours of work inside the car to restore it back to its original state.....all in hopes of making it look like it just rolled off the showroom floor.

God does the same with us. Years of wear and tear show its effects on us physically, mentally and spiritually. As the years pass, our outlook on things can have less of Gods goodness and things like negativity and judgemental attitudes develop that are far from Christ way of thinking. Habits form that reflect more of the worlds's ways and our acts of servce become more self serving. Believe me....i personally struggle with these attitudes, behaviors and self serving actions that are the result of spiritual rusting.

Time for spiritual renewal? God can and will remove all those rust spots and body dings, He will remove those internal stains of sin and wash your spiritual eyes so you can see Him more clearly. Dont be like a car rusting away in the junk yard, God sees something still beautiful in you and He wants to restore you back to your original spiritual shiny state. All He needs is your williness to let Him work His labor of love in your life. Are you ready for the spiritual restoration? Roll into His loving shop and come out polished today! God sees something special in you friend. God bless.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5


On every production line are people who perform the duty of “Quality Assurance”. From chicken processing plants to vehicle assembly, their assignment is to check over the item to ensure it meets the company’s standards. Anything that doesn’t meet those standards is pulled and discarded. Without quality assurance doing their job, you might receive a product that is no good or could harm you.


For the Christian, God serves the role of a Quality Assurance Inspector. As you march through each day, He lovingly goes ahead of you and monitors those things, events and people who come into your life. He carefully examines each one to ensure it’s safe for your use and allows special blessings to pass through that will enrich your life.


So the question is, why do we receive some “bad apples”? I believe the voids in our life, that we want to fill, are big and we are hungry for anything or anyone to fill them. In our deepest desires, we oftentimes don’t consult with God or pray over the matter. We accept things and people that are second best….like going to an Outlet Store and buying a flawed product at a cheaper price. When we don’t consult with God, we might possibly receive something not good for us…physically, mentally and spiritually.


Are you trusting the Lord with all of your heart? Do you have a specific appetite for something or someone? Trust me friend, you MUST ALWAYS consult with God first. He has an eye for each thing and person coming your way and will discard those “bad apples”……if you don’t reach out ahead of His inspection station and grab the one He has not yet inspected. When you have a void, be patient and wait for His hand to select the right ONE for you! He will do it and your life will be blessed! Have an awesome day in the Lord!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  Jeremiah 29:13


Every now and then I will see a sign on the back of a semi-tractor trailer that says…”If you can’t see the driver’s mirrors, he can’t see you”. The driver of that long rig uses his mirrors to help see around him. Unless you are in line of sight with those mirrors, you are in his “blind spot” and he doesn’t know you are there. Always a good idea to keep his mirrors visible so he is aware of your presence and doesn’t maneuver in a way that will cause an accident.


Are you in God’s “blind spot”? As we navigate through life, people, places and things come into our life that can block our view of God. Think about this….are the people, places and things in your life transparent enough to see God. If you can’t see God, then you are in God’s blind spot and eventually that person, place or thing will cause you to crash spiritually. If anything blocks your view of God, then you must remove it or change your location (physically and spiritually) so that you are back in plain view of Him.


As today’s scripture says….seek ME with all your heart and you will find me. Are you seeking God in every aspect of your life? Any blind spots hindering your view of Him? If so, it’s time to make some changes. You either have to remove it or move away from it. God can help in that process if you ask Him and are sincere in your request to seek Him first in all things. Don’t be in His blind spot, find Him in all aspects of your life and travel safe! God bless!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
From Christopher Columbus who traveled across the ocean in search of a new land to Neil Armstrong who was the first person to set foot on the moon, man has gone places and continues today. As a nation founded under God, our freedoms are protected by our government and the men and women in the military who put their lives on the line each and every day to protect what God has blessed us with. God has gone with them as they march off to battle and continues to go with them all across the globe.
Today is Veterans Day. In honor of the millions of men and women, take pause and thank a veteran. Seek them out, they are everywhere. We have more living veterans in this country than ever before. The sacrifice of our veterans and current service members is of great value. They have put their lives on hold to serve a greater cause. Think about that amazing sacrifice as you live out your life as an American. You have more blessings than you can hold in a bushel basket.
Maybe you are a veteran. Thank you for your service! I hope and pray you continue to experience God’s hand of protection upon you, His strength for those difficult days and His courage to face each day with boldness, honor and pride. You have defended a great nation, blessed by God, serve Him always. March on soldier, God is leading the way!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. Matthew 16:24-25


Have you ever lost something and began that diligent search in hopes to find it? To your surprise, you find something else you forgot about a long time ago and that satisfies you more than the original thing you were looking for. Sometimes it’s good to lose something, as it helps you discover something even better.


As we journey through life, we search for happiness, peace and satisfaction. Our search comes up with new relationships, new things and new experiences. But, after a while they become stale and our happiness wanes. In our search to find that original “good feeling”, we find Jesus, right there to fill the void during our moments of emptiness. He always comes through….even when we search for something outside His will.


The key to keep from losing your “first love of Christ”, is to start your day with Him in prayer, thanksgiving and making Him a priority.  By doing so, you avoid searching for happiness in all the wrong places. He is everywhere and if you are in tune with Him, you will never lose that joy, that peace and satisfaction that only HE can provide. Dont lose Christ today, find Him in everything you do and He will make your day complete! God bless friend!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

But He answered him not one word, so that the governor marveled greatly. Matthew 27:14
Have You ever found yourself in a debate? Someone or a group of people coming against you, trying to break you down for what you believe? If you recall it's like a fight, no one is a winner. Just a lot of words spoken with no progress. Later, you think....Why did I say that As it was a waste of my time.

As Jesus stood before His accusers, He stood in silence. He knew His purpose for being there...nothing to debate. Can you imagine the confidence Jesus had that day? Preceeding His questioning, what did He do? He prayed in the garden. Prayer is essential to sustaining our confidence. God supplies us with the wisdom and guidance we need to navigate through life when we seek Him out through prayer.

Maybe you are facing an opponent who wants to question you and break you down mentally and emotionally. Consult with God so you can have the confidence to stand in silence and block their attacks. Some of the wisest men I've known have said very little, but when they speak, it has soundness and much wisdom. Seek God daily to remain confident in life and withstand the need to debate your faith. It's not debatable. Your faith is secure in Christ. Walk in confidence today friend. God bless.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man (Jesus) whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead. Acts 17:31

There will come a day when everyone will stand before God in judgement. The main factor that will determine your eternal destination will be recognition of you by God. Will He recognize you as one of His children? Many people today have this false hope that if they live right, they will earn a place in Heaven. "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven....many will say on that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in your name and done many wonders in Your name? And I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness. Matthew 7:21-23

So if our works cant get us there, what will? Recognize Gods love for mankind in that He gave us His Son, Jesus Christ, But God commendeth His love towards us, in while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8. There is payment for sin, and its called death. God is pure, holy and rightous. Nothing we can offer Him is pure enough to open the door to heaven. But God, gave us His Son as a payment for sin. "but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23.
"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. Romans 10:9

 Do you believe in Christ? As a child of God, I can assure you He is real and He does love you and wants you to repent of sin, believe upon His name, ask Him into your heart and be saved. Then live for Him daily. His blessings on earth are sweet, and the eternal reward will be sweeter. Believe upon Him today and find ever lasting life eternal. God bless 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

So he ran ahead and climbed into a sycamore tree to see Him, for He was going to pass that way. Luke 19:4

A better view, we see something or someone we want to have in plain view, so we position ourselves for line of sight....either moving around people, moving to higher ground, standing away from the crowd, even climbing a tree...just like Zacchaeus did in this encounter with Jesus.

How is your view of Jesus Christ in your life? Is there a crowd of friends blocking your view, the weight of sin has lowered your life in a bottomless pit, or maybe you havent made time to catch a glimpse of Him due to business of life. We go through times in life when things and people block our view. NOTHING could be more hazardous to your spiritual life when you take your eyes off Jesus. That crusty old Satan will do anything he can to block your direct line of sight with Him.

Take a brief moment and evaluate your current status with Jesus. If He isnt visible to you, you arent visible to Him. Maybe its time to move away from the mainstream of life and seek higher ground. You might even have to go at it alone...thats ok, God is with you! Shift your life to a better viewing of Him. He wants to come visit you and share His wisdom and wondrous blessings with you....find that place of visibility and never allow anything to block your view again. See Jesus face to face. God bless!!!

Monday, November 6, 2017

This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24


Monday morning is the start of the work week for many people. And for most, Monday is a day of dread….following a weekend of rest, its back to the daily grind. Getting ready for work, kids ready for school, list are made for groceries, activities and special event reminders….Monday is a busy day.


But, Monday is no different than any other day of the week. God created each day, planned just for you. Monday through Sunday, its God’s gift to you…..what are you going to do with His blessing? You can choose how to fill your day and you can choose your attitude. I encourage you not to dread Mondays, but thank God He has allowed you to have a new day  and look forward in eagerness to what He will do for you this week.


Just for 1 minute, think back to last week. Name three things God has blessed you with….If you are like me, those three blessings were not expected, but God saw reason to bring them you way. You can count on Him to do the same this week. God is faithful and will supply all you need for each day He created. Don’t sing the Monday blues, but thank Him for all He will do in your life….rejoice and be glad in this day!  

God bless!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night into prayer to God. Luke 6:12


Yesterday I had the pleasure to get away and ride up to the North GA Mountains. The weather was just perfect and the trees were in the middle stages of their fall colors.  The ride took a few hours, but it was well worth it! Seeing God’s beautiful creation at work helped take my mind off the challenges of life and simply be in awe.


Let’s face it, living life is a challenge. There are daily struggles that we face which add weight to our plate. After while all we focus on is trying to keep that plate of life full and up off the ground. I strongly encourage you to step away from life, for a brief while, and go to a place of solitude where you can see the beauty of God. Jesus did just that, He oftentimes would step away from the crowds and pray to God. He knew the secret to keeping His focus….prayer, talking to God and seeing His mighty works.


How about it friend? Need just a short break from it all? Why don’t today you simply pick a destination that is an hour from home and go there. Just you and God….maybe a loved one….and take time to focus on God and see His beauty at work. Take Jesus advice, step away and come into His presence for renewal of spirit and communicate with God…thanking Him for all He has done in your life! God will bless you for taking time with Him! Have a blessed Sunday friend!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

The godly give good advice to their friends; the wicked lead them astray.

Proverbs 12:26

If you are like me, you have some close friends who you can lean on, trust and expect to give you good advice. On occasion you meet new people and friendships develop. But how do you know if it’s the right friend for you? Several considerations…..

Do they offer sound advice? The advice they give should fall in line with your beliefs and not try to sway your way of thinking counter to what you believe and know is right. A good friend might challenge you to “think outside the box”, but never through intimidation or threaten to end your friendship.

How forgiving are they? People are different and from time to time we will offend others…especially our friends. Their willingness to forgive and forget, when you hurt or offend them, is the strength of the friendship bond. No one wants to hurt our friends, but it can happen. When it does, you want to make sure there is enough grace to hold the two of you together.

Do they respect you? Respect is the backbone of any relationship. Without respect, you have no true foundation on which to grow together. Respect is understanding where each other stands and supporting them without question. When one friend veers off the “right path”, the other should feel welcome to help them get back on track.

Do they make you a better person? You should NEVER have to convince your friend you are a good person or work at sustaining the friendship. If it’s meant to be, it will naturally happen. Over time, the fruits of the friendship will yield positive growth and bless those outside your friendship….called blessing spillover.

Friend, nothing wrong will result in good. With God’s help you can find friendships that are built on Godly principles…like trust, grace and love. Find a Godly friend and find peace and happiness in your life! God bless!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3

Ring, ring,ring....Will He pick up? These days our communication with others comes in the form of text messages. But, when something important just has to be said, we find a phone call more appropriate. Why? Because we want to be heard and we want the receiver of our call to hear all aspects of the message....the excitement in our voice, and hearing cues that he or she is on board with us...either good or bad. Only problem is...Will they answer when we call?

If you are like me, I've called people and no answer. Even after leaving a message, they still don't respond. And too, I'm guilty of the same. But friend, there is one who will always answer when you call, and that is the Lord. As a matter of fact, as a child of God, He lives inside you and knows your needs, your hurt, your good news. He knows everything in advance. And He wants to show you things that you are completely unaware of. So why pray and ask for His help when He knows you need it? When you call upon Him, it's like calling on the phone, your ear is waiting to hear the response. You set yourself up to see His hand at work in whatever situation or problem you encounter.

Having trouble in life and no one is answering your call for help? Call upon the Lord. He will listen and respond to the degree you are willing to receive His help. He Knows More Than You Do, So Listen Closely!!!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

And they lifted up their voices and said "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us."  Luke 17:13

Today's verse comes from the story of how Jesus healed 10 Lepers. An illness that was very contagious and no one could be near them. What a sad life to be isolated from others while sick. The cool part of this story is they recognized Jesus and called out to Him. They knew He could heal them, and He did.

 "For she said to herself, "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." Just one more, of many stories, about someone with an illness, recognized Jesus as a healer. " but Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, "Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well." Matthew 9 :21-22. The bible is full of stories about people with illness, recognizing Jesus, by faith they called out to Him for healing and He healed them.

Maybe today you need the healing touch of Jesus. Two things needed...your trust in Him and willingness to give Him your problem. Recognize the Savior in your life and call on Him today. Trust me friend, He restores, He heals, and He fills the voids in your life with His sweet presence. Call on Him today, in faith, and see His hand cure you. Blessings!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1

When you go to the store, you have choices to make....As you go to each product, you find more than one of the same, just different brands. Although each item may be the same, you know the quality of one certain brand and you stick with it.

Question, would God choose you? Does your life represent the finest qualities of Christ, as a child of God? God accepts us into His family once we confess our sins and receive Him into our life. Once His, we have a standard of living, found in His word, that should be the mold that shapes us into a useful vessel for His service. Unless you are studying and growing in His word, you will simply be like that off brand product that no one has confidence in buying and just sits there on the shelf.

The work of the Lord will continue no matter what...Will you be part of His work? Blessings follow those who serve Him in obedience. Don't be a useless product...He has a plan and purpose for your life. Friend, He did choose that useful vessel for Him today. God bless.