Thursday, November 30, 2017

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:12


Ever ask yourself why God is allows certain people to come against you, causing you strife, emotional chaos….and you ask God to remove those trouble makers from your life? Can you relate? If you are living life, you either are or will experience opposition from others. It’s a fact of life.


This morning God laid upon my heart this thought as He was talking to me and said……”you think you have problems…think about the daily challenges I have as God with Satan always trying to foil My plans.” As I thought for a minute, I came to the quick conclusion that He does have more trouble than I do. God’s plans are lived out in our daily life, so, yes, we as children of God, will encounter all kinds of strife, because the enemy will use others to make our day miserable. But one thing we always need to remember, the battle is not ours, it’s God; and He promises to fight those daily battles for us…if we simply turn to Him for help. You and I can’t do it on our own, it’s a battle God has to tackle for us….every day!


As you face your demons…whether they come in the form of people, things or habits….call upon God for help! Bind Satan in the name of Jesus Christ and trust Him each and every day to fight a battle bigger than you. Pray for other believers who are under persecution. And always check your intentions to make sure you aren’t part of Satan’s plan to foil God’s plan…yes even Christians can get caught up in Satan’s battle against other believers in Christ…so make sure you are on the right side! 


The battle is not yours, but God! Give it to Him daily and thank Him for all He does to protect and defend you! Have a blessed day friend!


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