Friday, December 1, 2017

For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that. 1 Corinthians 7:7


I recently had a birthday and received several gifts. It’s fun and exciting to receive gifts, as they are usually unexpected and most come as a surprise to what’s inside the wrapping. Your friends and family know you well and purchase or make things that you will enjoy and give them to you out of love. Gifts are a wonderful thing to receive.


As human beings, God created you and gave you specific talents that will further His kingdom, bless others and enrich your life. Have you discovered your God given talents? You have received your gifts, out of love, from God. He placed you in a specific location with family and friends, and even strangers, that will benefit from your talents and abilities. But, unless you seek after them, they will stay wrapped inside your soul. If you don’t use those talents, over time He might simply take them away.


You are special, unique in what you possess, and blessed to be alive. Don’t walk around with unwrapped gifted talents! Open your heart and mind to God so you can discover those talents and serve Him daily. It’s nothing complicated or difficult to figure out. Most of you probably know your talents…so go out there and use them today and every day for the Lord. They will enrich your life and bless those around you!

Go serve Him today! God bless!

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