Saturday, December 16, 2017

Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.

Romans 13:14

Habits: behaviors, thoughts and words that are wrong; unhealth for the body and mind; and are present on a frequent basis.  Maybe its smoking or drinking, cheating or stealing, use of profanity, gossip, even shopping..the list is endless. If it is bad and happens often, it’s a habit. Somewhere along the way, you have been able to justify the behavior, and now its part of your life. With the New Year approaching, maybe its time to shred that habit for good!

Today’s verse gives some advice on how to kick the bad habits. “make no provision for the flesh”.  If you want to eliminate a bad habit, you need to remove anything that keeps the habit alive. Change your driving route, so you don’t go past that liquor store every day, throw out the ash trays, lighters and those smokes….cold turkey is the best! Change friends…if you have a circle of friends who are like a “gossip router”…unplug from that connection. Changing the environment conducive for the negative behavior will help.

Secondly, “put on Christ”. Only through the power of the Holy Spirit will you be able to weed out habits from your spiritual garden. Most habits are seeds Satan has planted in your life. God can dig them up, all the way down to the root and remove it. Ask for His help and He will provide what’s necessary to keep you moving away from the negative behavior.

You have a choice to make. Follow God or the ways of the world. Habits are hard to break, but with God’s help you can clean up your life and grow something beautiful with His blessings. Make it a goal to kick the bad habits this new year and find your walk in the Lord full of blessings and victory over Satan!

God bless!

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