Monday, December 18, 2017

“Remember this December, That love weighs more than gold”

Josephine Daskam Bacon, American writer (1876 – 1961

Ah, the count down til Christmas. We look over our list of gifts we plan to give… there enough for this child, will all the kids have an equal amount, did I get enough for mom and dad??? The list is endless and this final week before Christmas can be a parent’s worst nightmare…especially when a child comes up with a revised list and the gifts are already purchased. At some point you have to check yourself about Christmas… this about giving gifts or a time to celebrate the birth of Christ?

Satan loves taking the focus off Jesus and onto other things. Santa Clause and all those gifts….sadly that is what most people spend their holidays concerned tangible gifts. The best gift you can give is “love”. Love is the MAIN purpose of Jesus Christ coming into this world. He came to save us all through His unconditional love. Praise God He loves us without conditions or we would never have a chance of salvation. This final week leading up to Christmas should be less about shopping and more about preparing your heart, and those of your children and family members, to celebrate the birth of Christ.

The best gift is not found under the tree or in a stocking, its love! Share Christ love with everyone around you. It’s the gift that keeps on giving and will be remembered by those who have felt your touch of love.   Let this week be more about love than worrying about presents….it will put Christmas into the right perspective. God bless!

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