Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good. And delight yourself in abundance.

Isaiah 55:2

Yesterday I was at the doctor’s office, when I noticed a sign hanging on a door that read…”Gone To Lunch”. Three o-clock in the afternoon and someone was taking their lunch break. Most likely was busy at work and finally had to step away from the business to grab a bite to eat. I can relate!

We get busy in life with family, church, work, hobbies and the routines of the day. Living single, I can tell you my nights go by so fast….before I know it, its time for bed. In the back of my mind I have a list of things I want to accomplish before bed. Needless to say, the list seems to grow even while I sleep!  Can you relate? As a child of God, we MUST always make time for the Lord. Nothing is more important than being fed by God. Jesus said it best….”I am the living bread that came out of heaven; if anyone eats this bread, he will live forever; and the bread also which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh”. John 6:51

Are you getting enough spiritual nourishment? A good indicator is your spiritual health. The old saying is true…”you are what you eat”. If you display character traits that don’t resemble Christ, maybe you are feeding on the wrong things in life. If you want to be blessed by God, tough decisions must be made to trade in those earthly fast food passions and exchange them for some wholesome wisdom found in the bible, praying to God day and night, and feeding others the good things of Christ!

Got time for lunch? Make time for God too, each and every day and you will find nuggets of wisdom and a Godly lifestyle, fit for a healthy and hungry child of God! Make time for God today!

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