Wednesday, December 27, 2017

“Slow down. Take a deep breath. What’s the hurry?
    Why wear yourself out? Just what are you after anyway?
But you say, ‘I can’t help it.
    I’m addicted to alien gods. I can’t quit.’

Jeremiah 2:25

I don’t know about you, but 2017 has flown by so quickly, I can barely recall what I did from September through November. Its all a blur and seems to speed up as I add another year to my life. I just put up my Christmas décor yesterday (December 26) so it will feel like there are a  few months before I get it back out. Life, it goes that fast and I’m sure you feel the pull of time on your busy schedule as well. The things we do (multi-tasking), the commitments we make and the hours we put into social media or hobbies, leaves God asking “how much time will my children spend with me?”

How much time do you spend with God? If you are like me, you block out some morning time for devotions and prayer…and that’s awesome. But, that’s like 30 – 45 minutes at best. What about the rest of the day? Jesus mission on earth was accomplished in the 30 some years of His life, yet among the pressure to perform miracles and speak wisdom to his followers, He made time for God. Secretly and quietly slipping away to pray. When we connect to God, His Spirit inside us, awakens a little more and is ready and willing to provide us Godly wisdom and direction we need to get through the day. If you truly want to be blessed by the benefits of God’s wisdom, make an effort to connect to Him hourly. Trust me, it will do you a world of good in this time-consuming society in which we live.

What are you pursuing that takes you away from “God time”? Maybe 2018 can be a fresh start for you by cutting out those things, people and passions that take up more time than spent with God. There is NOTHING WRONG with slowing down and letting the world pass by on its own. Your schedule should be on “eternal time”, so slow down, enjoy life and those around you….and most of all spend quality time with God every day, throughout the day and you will find blessings on the journey through life. God bless friend.

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