Wednesday, December 20, 2017

“David was greatly distressed…But David found strength in the LORD his God” (1 Samuel 30 :6)

I had the opportunity yesterday to ride my motorcycle; the temps got up in the low 60s and was perfect with the proper clothing attire. Just me cruising down the road, enjoying the sights and smells of the countryside. At one point I looked up ahead and saw a chicken truck headed my way. You see in Georgia, there are many chicken farms and a big processing plant near the route I enjoy taking. Often times I will cross paths with a semi-truck/trailer loaded down with smelly chickens. When the truck passes by, all you can smell is the stench of those chickens, who have been in an enclosed building for their brief life. All you can do is hold on, take a deep breath and hold it for a while until the smell dissipates.

As Christians, we can oftentimes can see trouble ahead. I truly believe God’s Holy Spirit, living inside of us, gives us advance notice of these “life storms”. Its God’s way of saying…”get read,a big one is coming”. He does this not to scare us or put us in fear, but just the opposite, to lean on Him and seek His guidance. No battle was ever won without some planning and preparation. God equips His children with the tools, power and strength to sustain in those moments of trouble that come our way. Sometimes we will encounter storms that quickly develop, leaving us without a plan. Yet, God has a plan for each storm that He allows to come our way. He’s looking for us to quickly seek His guidance and not try to fight alone.

As you read this blog, you are either in a brief moment of calm, see a storm approaching or being rocked by a storm bigger than you. No matter where you, know that God wants to provide safe passage no matter what and is willing to extend His hand to guide you, strengthen you and carry you onto sunny skies. Trust Him always, stay in prayer continually and look for His hand working in your situation every time….seeing His work will encourage you and be a reminder for the next “big one” headed your way. Trust God today friend! Safe travels!

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