Thursday, December 28, 2017

As for you, O Lord, you will not restrain your mercy on me;

 your steadfast love and your faithfulness will ever preserve me!

 Psalm 40:11

Yesterday I was in a line at Walmart to return a few items. In front of me was a young lady with a child’s toy. I asked her if she and her family had a nice Christmas. She paused for a moment, choked up and said quietly, “my son had a good Christmas”. A few seconds later, as best she could with tears in her eyes, choked out the words…My grandfather died on Christmas. My heart just broke for this young soul. I could tell her grandfather meant the world to her. This Christmas will leave an eternal mark on her life, never to forget this tragic event that happened on one of the most joyous holidays…the birth of Christ.

A few years ago, our family lost a sweet and loving friend. So unexpected and without reason, yet, she was gone. Everyone who knew her was just heartbroken and asking “why”.  Sometimes in life, we don’t have the answer to “why”. Things happen in life that are totally unexplained and without reason. Yet, we must carry on with our own life. How can we move forward from a tragic event? I can tell you that God promises to never leave, nor forsake us. He is always there, ready to carry us through the trials and heartaches of life. Sometimes we don’t see Him up ahead, that’s because He is behind us, encouraging us and pushing us forward to the next day.

In the middle of my sadness over the loss of this wonderful person, God whispered “stay the course”.  Christopher Columbus would have never made it to North America if he turned around when storms approached his boat. He stayed the course and discovered the new world, today the United States of America! Stay the course friend through every trial and painful circumstance. God is with you in the storm, in the pain and in your suffering. He is all around you; you might not see Him, but know He is there. Fall back into His loving presence and lean on Him for comfort, strength and healing. He will see you to a new day, stay the course!

God bless!

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