Sunday, December 17, 2017

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

One of my favorite sports is football. Each game is so unpredictable; leaving you in suspense the entire 4 quarters. When the score is close, that’s when everyone is on the edge of their seats…the sport I love! One thing always impresses me, is the team’s ability to work together. From the front-line blockers to the receivers who run far out and know exactly when to look for that ball, flying in the air, and catch it at just the right moment…surrounded by the opposing team. Everyone works together to advance the ball down the field. 

As Christians, we are like a football team. We have been blessed with specific talents and abilities. No one is the same, yet our mission is the same….serving Lord. The key to our success on the field, is knowing the play book, the bible. Without it’s guidance, we will make a wrong move or weaken the team by not working in sync with others. As Christians, we are accountable to God for our actions, thoughts and words. Unless we know what is in the playbook, we will simply be a player on the field with no sense of wisdom and oneness with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Do you know our quarterback, Jesus Christ? A successful team knows Him well and relies on Him to move us down the field with our help. Unless you are studied up, you will never know Him on the level you should. Start today by reading your bible and attending church to understand the team’s missions and daily plays that will keep your witness effective for Him. He is counting on you to be a successful team member and not just another player on the field. See ya in church! God bless

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