Saturday, December 2, 2017

Not that i speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. Philippians 4:11

Here we are at the holidays, Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas in just 3 weeks. For most people, the holidays are filled with special traditions and memories that last a  lifetime. One thing I've found through the years, things change...we get older, family status change, family members pass away, divorce....time has a way of changing holiday plans. For those who treasure holiday tradtions, these changes can bring feelings of emptiness, heartache and lonliness. I know all to well as some holidays have been filled with many tears and feelings that can make for a miserble Christmas.

How can you get through the holidays without singing the blues? Focus on the reason for Christmas...the celebration of Christ's birth. As a child of God, His sweet Holy Spirit lives inside your heart. Fill those holiday voids with His presence and remember His promise never to leave or forsake you. Trust me friend, I know that might be hard, but its the only special occasion that never changes....especially God's Spirit living in you. He is always to Him like you would if a friend who stopped by to visit. I know that might sound corny, but it works...God LOVES it when you speak to Him in any prayer or general conversation. And if you are attentive, you will hear His Spirit talking to you.

Satan's primary goal is to ruin the holidays and rob you of your joy. Satan may have messed up your holiday plans...but dont allow him to lessen the joy of Christmas. Learn to be content in any circumstance...and when those moments of sadness to God and lean on Him to lift you above your circumstances. Treasure the new traditions and share the love of Christ with someone elese. God will bless me, I'm living proof that holidays can be special if you be content in where you are now in life and stay focussed. God bless!

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