Monday, December 4, 2017

Set your mind on things above, not on things on earth. Colossians 3:2

As most of you know, I have a passion for riding motorcycles. The fresh air and open roadways dissolve any stress I've accumulated during the day or week. When riding, safety is paramount! One thing I learned early in my riding years.....where your eyes go, so will your bike. If i look off to the right or left, i slowly veer in that direction. After a few close calls and I've learned there is nothing worth looking at that might cause me to run off the road and possibly get injured. It takes a lot of disclipline, but over time it becomes routine...eyes focussed on the road at all times.

You should apply this same concept as you journey through life. Satan does an excellent job enticing you to take your eyes off Jesus and onto worldly things that can cause a spiritual accident...leaving you far from God, heartbroken, ashamed, financially burdened..the list is endless. Temptation to sin is his greatest gimmick for spiritual distraction. He is so smooth and can easily convince you that an act of sin is ok, merging into a relationship with the wrong person justifable, and buying something bigger than your bank account well deserve buy it, says satan. Ive battled these and other spiritual distractions....the spiritual road rash of an accident can last a long time and leave the heart scarred for life.

As you head out today, where are your eyes focussed? On God or are you looking to worldly pleasures and enticing temptations that you know are so dangerous for yourself and your relationship with Jesus? Focus straight ahead on Jesus....His pathway is narrow, yet very safe for those who make it a priority to follow on a daily basis. Trust me friend, everyone else around you might be looking in other places...but i guarantee you, they are headed for trouble. Stay the course no matter what and find security and safety with eyes focussed on your Savior.                                   God bless!

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