Friday, December 22, 2017

Peace to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen. Ephesians 6:23-24

Today’s passage was written by the Apostle Paul as he signed off at the end of Ephesians. When Christ was born, there was anything but peace. Joseph and Mary had to travel a long distance to get to Bethlehem and found no available hotels, so they accepted accommodations in a barn with farm animals. Even as a baby, Jesus life was threatened by King Herod, who wanted to take His life. When Herod was unable to find baby Jesus, he had all boys under age of 2 slaughtered. Fortunately, Angels spoke to Mary and Joseph and instructed them to leave the land. Although Christ spoke of peace, His life was full of opposition….no wonder He escaped the crowds so often to pray alone.

As we draw near to Christmas, you might have difficulty finding peace in your life. Things around you, painful circumstances, troubled relationships, loss of a loved one, financial worries….the list is endless. Because of these difficulties, you might find it hard to focus on Jesus birth. Friend, you are not alone. But one thing I can assure those of you who have accepted Christ, you have His Holy Spirit inside you. Only by His power, His strength, His wisdom and His loving grace, can you find an internal peace that nothing can touch. Follow Christ’s example and take time to get away from life and fall to your knees in prayer to God. Every morning I kneel down and pray; the peace that overtakes me can only be explained in one word…GOD!

God loves you and He knows your life is a struggle. His Son came to earth so you could find an internal peace like no other. Find Him through quiet times this Christmas weekend and throughout the year. His peace will provide you confidence to take the next step in life. Take a knee for Christ and find peace!

God bless!

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