Saturday, December 9, 2017

His countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow.  Matthew 28.3

Well it happened, snow in Georgia. Something that rarely occurs in this part of the country, causes alot of worry and a quick dash to the store for groceries...bread and milk. Just as fast as it arrived, it departs as the sun warms up the ground and it melts into the soil. Enjoy it while ya got it!

I looked up "snow" in the bible and ran across this passage. This verse described an angel who was at the empty tomb of Jesus and announced that He had risen from the dead and is alive again. A rarely recorded sighting of an angel, but one treasured by those who encountered his presence....someone beautiful, and full of good news.

Before the snow melts away, step outside and stare at it for a moment and think about God's pureness in relation to that beautiful white snow. Something rarely seen, yet when it appears its a sight to behold. One day each child of God will behold our beautiful all His majesty, glory and honor. The troubles of this life will seem insignificant when compared to what God has instore for you in heaven. Take your focus off the worries and struggles and focus on God....His presence will be like the white of snow...something to behold. Praise Him today and everyday...He brings good news to those who seek after Him. God bless.

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