Saturday, December 23, 2017

2 Timothy 4:18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

For me, writing these daily blogs is a blessing. Each morning I pray to God, asking what He wants me to share with those who read them. He comes through with a verse and uses my fingers to type on the keyboard. It’s amazing to see Him work through my life. I am so blessed to be used by God.

But I’ll be completely open and honest. There are times in my life when I am on the wrong side of the line. Yes, I fail God at times and find myself behind enemy lines, far away from God; pursing my way, my passions and justified sins. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Some days I struggle just to catch a glimpse of God. Just being real.  Can you relate? If you are like me, you know the battle between right and wrong is real and the more you desire to follow the righteous way, the stronger and harder Satan works to distract and tempt you to veer off course.

Friend, I can tell you this for sure, God is everywhere with you, even when you are behind enemy lines. He knows where you are, He knows your struggles, He knows the influence Satan can have over your fleshly bodies. He still comes through and His mission will be accomplished. Listen to me folks….some of the most thought provoking blogs I have ever written, came at a time when I was furthest from God. His plan will never fail, even when I do. God can use you, even in times of personal failure. Don’t give up and don’t feel discouraged when you are behind enemy lines…God is with you and will help you get back on the right side when you surrender Your ways for His! Have a blessed and wonderful Saturday friends!   

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