Friday, December 29, 2017

Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. 7They
will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD.
Psalm 112:6-7

Radio, television, newspaper, and social media, they love reporting “bad news”.  Skim any news source and you won’t find anything encouraging or positive, just news that is written to stir emotions…to scare you, trouble your mind and heart about the future. For that reason, I have done away with my TV and refuse to sit and read any news. There is only ONE source of news I need and it comes from God’s word.

When you are truly grounded in God and the bible, nothing will shatter your heart, nothing will blow away your hopes and dreams and you will never shift in your stand for God. Trusting the Lord in every matter of your life…from relationships, finances, employment, church attendance, tithing and every day life….your world will be secure enough to withstand any bad news that hits. You will never find it difficult to trust the Lord. And believe me, HE allows certain events and circumstances to cross thru your life to strengthen you and learn to depend on Him more each and every day. I’m living proof of that!

Like a hurricane proof home that comes out unscathed from the worst storm, will YOU be able to withstand the events of today? Ask God to help you depend on Him more, look for areas of your life that need more of God’s light shining in it(mine is finances and service to God) and push back from the worldly news and focus on God’s news…the good news of His word, the bible. Read it and almost immediately your outlook on life will be brighter. Get grounded in God’s word today!

God bless

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