Sunday, December 31, 2017

Today's blog comes straight from an In Touch Ministries devotion by Dr. Charles Stanley. This is my goal for 2018, to connect to God on a deeper level. If you've found your life coming up spiritually short, join me as we commit our ways to the Lord in 2018. God bless!

No matter where you are in your walk with Christ, it’s never too late to begin pursuing a deeper relationship with Him. Whether you’re already passionate about Jesus or know Him only on a surface level, it is wise to do as Paul urged—to “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14). To get started, follow these six steps:

1. Study Scripture. No one can know God apart from His Word since He speaks to us through it, revealing who He is and what He does.

2. Be willing to spend time alone with the Father in prayer, meditation, and worship. One of the main reasons Christians don’t have a close relationship with Jesus is that they’re unwilling to invest the time needed to know Him better.

3. Trust God. The depth of any relationship depends on the level of trust.

4. Obey Him. As we take each step of obedience, the Lord will reveal more of Himself.

5. Observe how Christ works in your life. By paying attention to how the Lord operates, you’ll become familiar with His ways and goals.

6. Make Jesus your top priority. Be willing to lay aside anything that competes with your loyalty and devotion to Him.

Knowing Christ intimately is possible for all believers. The key is persistence, so forget past failures and press on. Find an example to follow. My grandfather’s relationship with Jesus was the inspiration for my journey of intimacy with Christ. I knew that if he had that kind of relationship with Jesus, so could I.

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