Friday, December 15, 2017

The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower becomes the lender's slave.

Proverbs 22:7

Credit or debit? That’s the question you hear at any check out line, especially leading up to the Christmas holidays. As you know, credit is borrowing money to be paid back later, where debit comes from a financial account that has money available to make full payment. We live in a society where credit funds many people’s lives. For those who live this way, monthly bills are a reality, consuming every dollar of the paycheck. Bondage is a good way to describe living life on credit. Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as guilty. Its easy to justify……we need to buy presents for loved ones, I need this new vehicle, I deserve to treat myself…..the justifications are many……but……

At birth, each of us came into this world with a sin debt. Already in debited to the Lord, we had no possible means of paying it in full. But, Jesus Christ paid mankind’s debt through His sacrificial death on the cross and rose to life 3 days later. For those who accept the free gift of God (eternal life by accepting Jesus Christ into their life and walking with Him daily) the human sin debt is paid in full. From there on out, the child of God lives the rest of his life financed by a spiritual account that never runs dry and always pays for any sin debt incurred.

So, if we are set free from our eternal debt, why then become slaves to worldly debt? Honestly friend, there is no reason for it…just speaking truthfully. God never intended for you and myself, to live above our means. If we truly trust Him, He shall supply all of our needs (Philippians 4:19). When we operate off credit, we go ahead of God….a lonely place to be and vulnerable to Satan’s attacks. Are you accumulating more things than what God has blessed you with in life? Maybe its time to come back to God and clear this chain binding debt so you can walk freely with Christ…just the way He meant for His children to live in this world…so we can freely give to the poor, support our local church mission and not stress over financial burdens.

As you cross into 2018, lets together make it a goal to pay off our debts and give to the Lord a share of what He has freely blessed us with to be used for His glory. He will richly bless you for your obedience in Him! God bless.

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