Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The fear of the Lord is to hate evil. Proverbs 8:13

Hate, it's such a strong word and is often used to describe things we dont care for, people we dont want to be around and occurs as the result of being hurt in a very painful way. Are there people in your life you hate? God commands us not to hate people, but to love. That is accomplished by God's strength to help us forgive those who come against us and have done evil things.

One thing God does give us the freedom to hate, and that is evil. Sinful thoughts, words spoken and negative behaviors that represent evil should be far removed from our life as a child of God. We should avoid sinful living, as we would with anything we know to be painful. You see, when we sin, we grieve and pain the Holy Spirit living inside of us. As we enter into a sinful behaviors, His spirit mourns...grieving God.

Are you grieving God today by behaviors, thoughts and words unbecoming of a Christian? If so, turn from it immediately before it controls your mind. Surrounding self in sinful ways and people is evilness....no place for God's Holy Presence. When you avoid evil at all cost, your light shines a little brighter and God brings blessings that are of more value than any worldly pleasure can offer. Check yourself today to see how far you are willing to go to avoid evil. Ask God to clean you from the inside out and start a new day walking in the way of the Lord.  Have a blessed day!

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