Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Both the singers and the players on instruments say, “All my springs are in you.”

Psalm 87:7

About this time of year, we tend to reflect upon the past year and look at the good times and bad times and determine if this was a year to remember or forget and hope next year is better. Sadly, so many use the circumstances of life to evaluate the year’s success. Trust me friends, we are living in perilous times, and if you are a Christian, you will encounter many attacks from Satan through those circumstances, evil people and personal losses. Your hope and trust is not in this world, but God.

As todays verse says…all my springs are in you. As a child of God, you should not seek happiness in worldly things, places or people. They all will break down, let you down and possibly break you spiritually, mentally and physically. Focus on God and drink from His goodness, His strength, His joy. Like water coming up from a spring, draw from its source every day. The closer you are to the spring, the purer the water. The further you are from the spring, the more contaminants get into that water source and all you get is dirty water.

The occurrences of this year should not be a deal breaker for your outlook on 2017. Your source of joy should come from the Lord. As we approach Thanksgiving, take time to THANK GOD for bringing you through the storms of life, holding your hand as you saw a loved one pass away before you and heal you from sickness, strongholds and heartbreak. He is your source of joy, drink from His wellspring of life and find everyday satisfying. God bless!

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