Monday, November 27, 2017

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10


When pouring concrete, forms are used to create the shape and size of the thing that’s being made. Preparing the ground before the pour is just as important as the forms that shape it. With an adequate foundation and properly set forms, the concrete project will be a success.


Our lives in Christ are like a concrete project, God shapes us into a certain mold. We come in all shapes and sizes, sex, nationalities…we are all different, but the one thing is the same, Christ in us. His Holy Spirit is the concrete, poured into our lives, and it should fill every nook and cranny within our mold. As we grow in our faith, God sees areas not completely filled with His Spirit, so he prepares new ground in our life to receive His pouring of Spirit. Sometimes He has to remove the rocks and dirt we’ve entrusted for our earthly foundation, yet He knows His foundation is more stable and secure. So we trust Him when He does His prep work. It might be painful and scary at times, but necessary for His pour to be perfect!


Maybe God is constructing an addition onto your foundation. Your faith has grown, so more room is needed within your life for His Spirit. Allow Him to dig out those rocks, cut out some of the dirt in the new addition…He is making everything just right for your foundation in Him to grow and impact other lives for His glory. He never stops working and growing us…keep growing with Him and blessings will come your way! Have an awesome day in Christ!

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