Friday, November 17, 2017

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1


A short time in any store these days and you will hear a child screaming because his parent will not buy him what he wants. Scream, kick, lay down…nothing works out for that child who has a “want” tantrum.

Hopefully the parent will be strong enough to stand his ground and not cave into the kid’s desire for whatever his eyes are focused on for the moment.


As adults, how do we respond when we don’t get what we want? Think about it for a moment…..That new car, house, new job, that someone you like….and yes lets even throw in a new motorcycle too! J We all have wants and desires for things and people, and when we don’t get it…we tend to focus on the item or person we can’t have way too long. We may not lay down and cry, scream and kick….but we do focus on it and it consumes us to the point that we do things counter to our normal behavior; we tend to rationalize things…good grief, we can make a mess of ourselves if we keep wanting things and people we can’t get!


What we need is to keep our focus on the Lord. As today’s passages says…The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. The Lord provides us with everything we need in life…food, housing, people, job…God provides. Until we learn to trust Him completely to meet our every need, we will be vulnerable to things of this world…that can easily distract us and take us down a road we were never intended to journey. Thank GOD, He has withheld certain things and people from my life. I have learned the key to listening to the Spirit who lives inside me….He tells me what’s good and what’s not. Sometimes He has had to intervene and move things and people away to get my attention. And it’s worked.


“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11. Final thought……If you can’t get it, then God never intended for you to have it or you aint living right! Walk right with the Lord every day and HE WILL supply everything you need in life! And if you are taking a breath while reading this blog, you are blessed with life! Trust your life in His care and your every “good” need will be met! God bless!!!!!!!

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