Wednesday, November 22, 2017

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things of the earth.  
Colossians 3:1-2
Here we are, the day before Thanksgiving and all businesses are advertising their “black Friday” sales. Pages and pages of “good deals” abound in hopes of luring you in to buy from them. Whether it’s for yourself or a Christmas present, you will find a good deal in the coming days. If you are like me, you can easily focus on things you want and consume yourself with the advertising mania.  
I caution you about getting caught up in all the advertising. Although some things might be necessary, there is one thing that should be front and center in your mind and on your heart this Thanksgiving season and that is God! Through His Son’s death and resurrection, you have a blessing that no one can give or share…just talk about. Eternal life in Heaven came at the best deal God could give you…Jesus Christ. Focus on Him and thank Him for your salvation and eternal security.
As you gather with family and friends, I encourage you to advertise your faith. The best deal is not found in the newspaper advertisements, but in what God has done for you. Share the love of God with those outside the faith. They might not find His deal the best for them right now, but you planted the seed…and with some prayer and spiritual conviction, that seed will germinate into something beautiful for the Lord. He paid it in full, all you have to do is share it with others. Advertise what God can do for your friends and family this Thanksgiving! God bless!

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