Monday, November 6, 2017

This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24


Monday morning is the start of the work week for many people. And for most, Monday is a day of dread….following a weekend of rest, its back to the daily grind. Getting ready for work, kids ready for school, list are made for groceries, activities and special event reminders….Monday is a busy day.


But, Monday is no different than any other day of the week. God created each day, planned just for you. Monday through Sunday, its God’s gift to you…..what are you going to do with His blessing? You can choose how to fill your day and you can choose your attitude. I encourage you not to dread Mondays, but thank God He has allowed you to have a new day  and look forward in eagerness to what He will do for you this week.


Just for 1 minute, think back to last week. Name three things God has blessed you with….If you are like me, those three blessings were not expected, but God saw reason to bring them you way. You can count on Him to do the same this week. God is faithful and will supply all you need for each day He created. Don’t sing the Monday blues, but thank Him for all He will do in your life….rejoice and be glad in this day!  

God bless!

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