Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.

1 John 3:2


This past week I have been home visiting my family for the Thanksgiving holiday. One thing that consumed my time was cleaning out my grandmother’s house. One of her favorite things to do is put together jigsaw puzzles, and she has a lot of them!  If you’ve never done one, I encourage you to give it a try…they are challenging and fun to work on.


As a child of God, you are like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Let’s break this down.


  1. God has planned you to be in a specific place. No one else is like you. Your shape, coloring and placement is significant to God’s beautiful creation. Without you, His master piece would have a noticeable void. So be proud of who you are and serve the Lord with all your strength and might.
  2. Like a piece of the puzzle, you hold others together. You are not one piece, meant to stand alone. As your life interlocks with others, you hold them to a Godly standard and they help you stay accountable to God. Your life provides strength to that area of the puzzle. God has placed specific people in your life to help you, strengthen you and gain wisdom…weather they are good or bad…they have a purpose…so never discredit those in your little place on the puzzle board.  
  3. If you’ve ever had a puzzle piece missing, you stop what you are doing and search all over for it.  Without it, the puzzle won’t be complete. As a child of God, the Lord will do all He can to find you when you fall off the puzzle board. No matter how far you fall, He will always search for you, because He loves you and wants you to be a part of His plan. So never think just because you fall from grace, He wont miss you…He will…and He will do everything in His power to get you back.
  4. When you complete a puzzle, you stand back and marvel at its beauty and feel a sense of accomplishment with the challenging task of putting it together. One day, God will stand back and look over all of His children and marvel at how they fit together to make a beautiful reflection of Him! Be that piece of God’s puzzle that shines every day and reflect Him in every aspect of your life! You are God’s master piece! God bless!

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