Sunday, November 26, 2017

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. James 1:22
Recall back to your teenage years. Ummmmm that will take some brain digging for me. So, remember when you were preoccupied with watching TV or laying in your room listening to music….when Mom or Dad comes in and gives you a list of things to do. As your eyes or ears continue to focus on your pleasure, you listen and nod when they are done reciting that list. About an hour later, they come back within your presence, with a not so friendly demeanor, and their voice is raised….quickly turning your mind from “self” to them. Unless you are a glutton for punishment…you got up and did what they asked.  
As Christians, we do the same, young or old. We attend church and our mind is on pleasing self. Shaking hands, hugging friends, recapping the week’s events, checking out what everyone is wearing….whew…it can be a whirlwind of self-pleasure.  Sit down, grab the phone to check for any text messages or FB post, maybe send a message….you get the idea. The choir sings and we get into the music a little…after the fourth song you are ready to sit back down. Finally the preacher starts his sermon and you try your best to listen…..after a few minutes you wonder if someone responded to your text. Grabbing your phone you check it out….seems like the preacher is looking at you and you give him a look like…yea I’m listening. After church you go out for dinner and someone asks…”how was church and what was the message on?” Well….with all those distractions you can’t recall….thankfully you have the bulletin with you and quickly read its contents to answer the question. Yea….anyone guilty?
You have to ask….why did I even go to church if I didn’t get anything out of the message or music. Like a teenager, we can be easily distracted at church...but church is the one place where Christians get their instructions for life and answers to problems. It’s also a time of spiritual refreshment for the week ahead. As today’s scripture says…don’t be just hearers…but doers. When you come into worship, you should be empty….ready to receive God’s word and spiritual fuel to get you through another week. Leave the phone in the car, (carry a bible and not rely on the bible ap), train your mind to focus on the music and message and carry your burdens to the alter. Removing self-pleasure at church is the ONLY way to hear God….which leads to doing His will! Go at church today focused, ready to worship Him! You will find more value in your attendance and God will richly bless you! Worship Him today! God bless!

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