Saturday, November 18, 2017

Let each of you look out not only for his own interest, but also for the interest of others.

Philippians 2:4


Yesterday while out riding, I stopped at a store to purchase a few items. When I pulled up, I noticed an elderly, rough looking man, walking out of the store towards his old, beat up Ford Ranger truck. His walking ability was poor and he used a stick to steady himself. At first glance I could tell he has had a rough life and was struggling to get by. Inside his truck was an old, lazy dog who simply was this man’s best friend. It was a pitiful sight and my heart just wanted to reach out and help him.


I went in the store, picked up a few items and checked out using my debit card. As I went through the checkout process, it asked if I wanted cash. I selected $20, got my money and receipt and walked out. To my surprise, the man was still there, putting oil in his truck’s engine. As he got into his truck, he started the hard running engine…meanwhile I was putting on my riding gear, when I heard this voice, telling me to give this man that $20. Without hesitation I pulled it out of my wallet and handed it to him. “Sir, I’d like to give this to you…God has blessed me and I want to pass along some of His blessings”. The man at first refused, but when I mentioned God’s blessings He smiled and willingly received the gift. Not sure who was more blessed, him or me.


Folks, I share this story not to receive any recognition. There are needs out there that don’t come with a “help me” sign. As Christians, our eyes need to be open for the needs of others…whether it’s a helping hand, sharing some food or money with someone in need or simply putting your arm around someone and letting them know you are concerned for them and will be praying on their behalf. Are you looking out for the interest of others? When you respond to the needs of others, God sees your goodness and will bless you along the way…even if it’s the satisfaction in seeing their smile and acknowledgement that God is the reason for your generosity.


Do you see the needs of others? Ask God to open your eyes and heart to see beyond yourself. There is a field full of souls ready to be harvested for Christ….take an active role and share the blessings and love of God today! God bless friend!

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