Friday, November 24, 2017

What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? Romans 6:1-2
If you’ve ever constructed something out of wood, you know that wood without defects is the best. It’s strong and not prone to warp, splinter and break. I have made things in the past, and the time looking over that lumber was critical to ensure I had quality material. Unless I use wood without defects, I’m wasting my time on a project that most likely will break apart during the construction process.
You may not realize it, but you are God’s construction project. He has plans for you and wants to make something beautiful out of your life for His glory and bless you in the process. Every time you sin, you acquire a knot in your framework and it weakens your witness and puts you at risk of spiritual breakdown. Purposeful sin, knowingly living outside the will of God, puts weight on your structure and eventually you will break apart and be useless for God’s kingdom.  
Sin is damaging to the child of God, especially when it’s purposeful. If you find it easy to sin, maybe you need to do a spiritual checkup. God’s children love Him and want to please and not walk any long in the very thing that separated Him from themselves. Don’t be a wasted project of Christ. Live for Him each day and walk in complete obedience. He will bless you!

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