Tuesday, November 14, 2017

For i will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds, says the Lord, Because they called you an outcast. Jeremiah 30:17

If you've ever been to an antique car show, you see the results of someone's passion for restoring an old car and making it look new. Hours and hours are spent repairing the car's body, cleaning off the old paint and rust so a fresh coat of paint can be applied. Then comes additional hours of work inside the car to restore it back to its original state.....all in hopes of making it look like it just rolled off the showroom floor.

God does the same with us. Years of wear and tear show its effects on us physically, mentally and spiritually. As the years pass, our outlook on things can have less of Gods goodness and things like negativity and judgemental attitudes develop that are far from Christ way of thinking. Habits form that reflect more of the worlds's ways and our acts of servce become more self serving. Believe me....i personally struggle with these attitudes, behaviors and self serving actions that are the result of spiritual rusting.

Time for spiritual renewal? God can and will remove all those rust spots and body dings, He will remove those internal stains of sin and wash your spiritual eyes so you can see Him more clearly. Dont be like a car rusting away in the junk yard, God sees something still beautiful in you and He wants to restore you back to your original spiritual shiny state. All He needs is your williness to let Him work His labor of love in your life. Are you ready for the spiritual restoration? Roll into His loving shop and come out polished today! God sees something special in you friend. God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Agree Dave! Our lives need constant (daily) examination. I'd rather catch the rust early than later.
