Wednesday, November 15, 2017

For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. Matthew 18:11


A while back, Wal-Mart stores initiated a plan to help locate a missing child in the store. Once a parent or guardian notified a store employee, they would call out over the intercom a certain code, alerting staff to be on the lookout for a child walking alone. They would also have employees stand by the doors to prevent a child from wondering outside without a parent. It is a good system and has helped many parents reconnect with their lost child.


For centuries, leading up to the arrival of Jesus Christ, many prophets predicted the arrival of a Savior who would save mankind. Detailed accounts of His life were foretold, and later in time those words were lived out by God’s son, Jesus Christ. His arrival was not to condemn, but to save those who did not know Him and make them believe in God through the life of Christ. Word spread of His existence, people came from miles and miles just to see Jesus….from His birth until His death. Jesus was the saving code of mankind.


Are you lost? Do you know that God created this world, including you? He wants to connect to you through a personal relationship. But you first must be found in Christ. Call out to Him today, asking for forgiveness of sins, believe in Christ death and resurrection (for your sins) and walk daily with Him. The code of Jesus is still active and He is there, ready for you to find Him in your lost state. Call out to Him today and be saved. God bless!

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