Monday, July 4, 2022

 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28


Many years ago, like many many years ago, after taking a year’s break from college, I decided to go back and move to another school. I knew my outlook on things wasn’t so positive, so I decided to read a good book on positive thinking. I found a book on the subject, “The Power Of Positive Mental Thinking”, by Norman Vincent Peale. What an awesome book! It retrained my brain to think in a positive way with a spiritual twist. I began to think and believe that everything that happened would be for my benefit. As I am finishing up the last 6 moths of this year heading into retirement, I’m glad I finished school, which provided me a great career.


As Christians, we need to adopt this positive thinking and attitude. Today’s scripture is a promise from God to His children, that everything you face in life is meant for your good. Yes, there will be some painful and unpleasant experiences in life, but within God’s will for your life, they are meant to prosper you and help you grow in your faith. I can look back now and see the challenging times were meant for my benefit. Although I didn’t like some periods in my life, I see now God’s plan was right on target.


If you are a child of God, I encourage you to stop looking at the negative and allowing it to negatively influence your emotions and behavior (this is speaking to me as well). You must look at everything in a positive manner and ask God what benefit will this provide you. You might not find the answer at the moment of crisis, but it will become evident in time and you’ll be thankful God brought you to it and thru it! Start today with a positive attitude and trust God’s ways are part of His will for your life! God bless!

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