Saturday, July 30, 2022

 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13


The past two weeks of work have been very challenging to say the least. Every day had its challenges and some were to the extreme which took every ounce of my emotional energy to work through. I often found myself praying to God for help, and with every prayer He continued His work in each day, providing me wisdom and sound reasoning.


Life has its challenges and apart from the power of God, very little can be accomplished. But God! With His help, you can do so much more! Your load can be lifted, so you can exist without the burdens of life holding you back from staying aligned with God’s will and purpose. His Holy Spirit goes with you throughout each day, to encourage, strengthen and protect you from the whiles of Satan. And believe me, Satan is on the prowl right now, looking for vulnerable children of God he can influence and destroy their good works.


Don’t take on the challenges of life alone. Seek after God and His strength will sustain you so you can maintain a joyful heart, love others unconditionally and be that shining light in this dark world. God bless!

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