Saturday, July 23, 2022

 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28


This past week has been one of the most challenging weeks I’ve experienced in my career. Every day, multiple issues, very difficult issues, arose and had to be dealt with, face to face. These issues have been heavy on my heart, constantly running through my mind and taking a tole on me emotionally, even physically.


I can’t tell you the number of times I constantly went back to the Lord, in prayer, to seek wisdom and strength to navigate those challenges. Looking back on this Saturday morning, I and my team, did the best we could to sustain ourselves through the daily grind. I could see God working in each situation. And it’s not over yet, there will be spillover into next week, but I know God is already aware and working in those circumstances.


What challenges are facing today, this coming week? Although they might seem overwhelming and drain you emotionally, God is still on the throne and is ready, capable and willing to help bring you through those challenges, so you can find some peace in the middle of complete chaos. Nothing works perfectly in this broken world, but God provides the stepping stones to help you walk through the raging waters of adversity and challenges you face.


Put your trust in the Lord with everything that zaps your strength and He will help sustain you, so you can keep your character in check. Come to Him who gives rest to the weary! God bless!

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