Tuesday, July 19, 2022

 Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will accomplish for you today. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. Exodus 14:13-14


Yesterday I had the honor of meeting a Vietnam War Veteran. He was telling me that he served in the Army’s Infantry unit back in 1967. Out of the 167 men in his unit, only 3 returned home. He was one of them. At a wise old age, he is enjoying life and living to the fullest. Sadly though, men died for our freedom. They fought a fight none of us would want to take part in, yet, these brave men did it for the ones they love and this great nation.


As a child of God, you have One who is fighting on your behalf, God. He knows the battle ground very well as His Son, Jesus Christ, walked it, and fought many battles that face you today. He overcame the temptations, the accusations and false statements, He even overcame death so you could have victory to live life to its fullest. Sadly, many children of God try to fight the battles of life on their own and oftentimes find themselves defeated and without hope. Wounded and spiritually broken, they wonder why God didn’t take action. What is clear, they never truly surrendered their life to Him. Doubt and a lack of faith steered them to live life by their means.


Friend, don’t fight the battle on your own. Today’s passage is a great reminder that the Lord will fight for you. Just like the Israelites, He will come through for you today and every day. Commit your ways to the Lord and He will prosper you and bless you! The battle is not yours, but the Lords. Let Him have full control today! God bless!

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