Thursday, July 21, 2022

 “He saved others; Himself He cannot save. If He is the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him. Matthew 27:42


The setting is at the cross, where Jesus hung, in the process of dying for the payment of mankind’s sins. A sin offering for you and me. Yet, we read that spectators were still doubtful of Jesus power and said if He truly is the Son of God, He can come down from the cross and save Himself. But, Jesus didn’t come to save Himself, He came to save us! His death was part of His plan, and sadly those who witnessed this historic event still doubted.


Sometimes we go through difficult situations or circumstances that make us question the purpose of God’s plan. We yearn for God to remove the burden, the illness, the pain experienced at that moment. Yet, through those difficult moments, God is working, and it’s best for us not to doubt what He is doing, but trust Him and remain faithful, even to the point of death.


As you prepare for today, begin it with prayer, asking God to help you stick with His plan and be patient as He works in your life to make a better you and transform you into His image. His work never stops and neither should you! Trust Him today, and every day, with your life and see what He can accomplish through a faithful child of God! Blessings!

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