Friday, July 15, 2022

 Look also at ships; although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. James 3:4


How’s the communication in your marriage? Is it seasoned with love or is it filled with criticism? If you really sit back and think, just a few harsh words from your spouse can steer you in a path of sadness, depression, anger and eventually loss of love for them.


Today’s passage comes from a section of reading on the tongue and it’s power (James 3:1-12). Harsh words can steer a relationship into troubled waters, opening wounds that can sink your relationship. If you look at the relationships Jesus had with His disciples, He gave them encouragement and showed them great love. I’m sure nestled in between the written scriptures, Jesus laughed with His followers, embraced them in times of difficulty and said “I love you” my child.


Whoever guards his mouth and tongue, keeps his soul from troubles. Psalm 21:23


If your relationship is going to sustain itself over the years, you must work at taming the tongue so your marriage will be seaworthy. It’s easy to pick apart your spouse’s ways, but find time to build them up. Something drew you to them in the first place, find that attraction and mend the past to renew your love for them. The tongue is a powerful tool, and with the right words it can steer your relationship into calmer waters! God bless!


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