Friday, July 29, 2022

 As newborn babies, desire the purse milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious. 1 Peter 2:2-3


Growing up I remember my grandmother liked Corn Flakes cereal. To sweeten them, she would sprinkle sugar all over the top of her corn flakes, then pour milk into the bowl. Alternatively, I liked Frosted Flakes, which were really is corn flakes already coated with sugar, a lot of sugar, and were delicious. God brought this memory and today’s verse to mind as I laid in bed a few nights ago and wanted to share my thoughts.


As Christians, we have the choice how much we want to include Jesus in our life. For some people, everything they do, think, say involves Jesus. Their life is sugar coated with Jesus, all they have to do is live life to its fullest and leave the rest up to Him.


For others, they bring into their life the world and its ways, and sprinkle Jesus over these things, in hopes of receiving God’s blessings. Sadly, this group of people miss out and have no clue that the love of the world is enmity with God (James 4:4). The world’s ways has nothing spiritual or beneficial to the person who is trying to live a God honoring life.


I encourage you, if you want to live a life pleasing to the Lord, crave only the pure word of God, and seek after the righteousness of Jesus Christ. When you do, you won’t have to sugar coat anything, it will all be for the glory of God!

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