Monday, July 11, 2022

 He (God) made their hearts, so he understands everything they do. Psalm 33:15


Over the weekend I was able to go see my grandson. Upon arrival I greeted my son and his wife and headed straight for the little man. Shortly after picking him up, my son gave me a bottle to feed him. As I did, he squirmed and moved about…he just wasn’t content. His dad took over and almost immediately, he calmed down and was back to feeding and drifted off to sleep. My son knows his child and knew exactly how he liked to be held when fed and it shows…..he’s doing a great job as dad taking care of my grandson!


Today’s verse is a great reminder that God, your creator, knows you intimately. He created you and from day one has been watching over you, providing for your care and giving you His very best. You might not see all the good things He’s doing in your life, but they are there and one day everything will come into view and you’ll appreciate every moment, good and bad, that you experienced in this earthly life.


If you find that no one really understands you, just know God does and He loves you just like a father loves his newborn child. His love is unconditional and never ends. He is always there to provide, correct and encourage using the earthly tools as a means to shape you into His image. Trust in His care, because He knows you very well. God bless!

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