Sunday, July 3, 2022

 For the Lord your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you. Deuteronomy 20:4


Tomorrow Americans celebrate Independence Day! A day when Americans celebrate their freedom from British rule and recognized as a nation. Your independence and freedoms didn’t come without battles fought, lives lost and a loyalty like no other. I encourage you to take time to research the significant historical events that provided you the freedoms you live under today.


Humans have another freedom that came at a price, freedom from eternal separation from God. God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, came to earth in human flesh and lived out the biblical prophecies, displayed the true nature and character of God and ultimately gave His life as payment for mankind’s sins. Three days in the tomb, Jesus Christ came back to life, overcoming the sting of death and has been giving freedom to those who’ve chosen to believe in Him and live a life of loyalty to Him. This eternal freedom He provides brings blessings and victory to every child of God.


The benefit of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, comes with God’s protective hand, that goes with you, every day, helping you overcome the struggles of sin and fruitless living. He desires for you to live life to its fullest and He is truly capable to provide for your every need. All you need to do is accept His free offer of salvation and walk with Him every day. Those battles you face in life will never be fought alone, He will be with you to help you overcome.


Your independence came at a cost, remain loyal to the One who will fight your battles every day and help you achieve a life noted by His words, “well done my good and faithful servant”. God bless!



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