Monday, July 25, 2022

 Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near when you will say, “I have no delight in them.” Ecclesiastes 12:1


Yesterday at church our high schoolers stood on stage and shared their experience at summer camp from the previous week. I was amazed at the challenges they face at such a young age. Issues with emotional stability, depression, figuring out their purpose and most of all friendship with others. The spiritual awakenings that occur at summer camp are real, yet they can be short lived once the teens return to the reality of life.


The one very important message I received was our teens need prayer and support to help them stay the course, so they can keep their faith strong and vibrant. Left to themselves, that spiritual awakening will eventually fall asleep until the next spiritual high awakens them once again.


If you have children, pray for them, be the example they need in their life. The music they listen to, the company they keep and the sources of information they take in will influence their lives, either for the good or bad. Help them make right choices with love. Spending time with them is the best thing you can do to keep that relationship strong and sustain the lines of open communication so they can share their concerns with you. I look back over my parenting years and I know I could have done much better. Don’t live with that regret, support your children and other families in your community. They need your prayers. Start today and don’t give up on them. God bless!

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