Monday, February 19, 2024

 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:4

 Waiting. Not many people have the desire to wait. Waiting in line at the checkout counter, waiting at the doctor’s office, waiting for those plants to produce fruit, waiting on your spouse to get ready to leave the house. We all have moments where waiting is required. How do you handle waiting?

 Today’s passage calls waiting, “patience”. That powerful word can have a lot of meaning, especially when it relates to other people. I recall hearing “my patience is running thin” many times growing up and was a good motivator for me to get moving or else something painful might occur on my backside, if you know what I mean. James was pretty clear, stating that patience is a work of progress. As you get older, your patience tends to run thin and the result is oftentimes disastrous. My wife can attest to my lack of patience. I truly believe that God provides opportunities to test our patience so we can see if we are progressing or regressing.

 I share this blog because yesterday we got out of church a little early and I had it in my mind to eat at a certain restaurant that quickly fills up. Well, my wife had to make a few social visits before leaving and by the time we hit the car door to leave, we were well past time to dine anywhere without a large crowd and wait times ready to test my patience. Unbeknown to me, we had to make a quick run home first, making us even later. Well, I have to say, I kept my cool and didn’t lose my temper or patience as we moved around town trying to find a place to dine that wasn’t over crowded. We found one and thankfully the place was not full, food came fast, and I was feeling good about that test.

 A long-winded blog to test your patience, just kidding. But truthfully, we all can use some more patience. The next time you find yourself positioned to wait, ask God to help you keep your attitude in check as the test of patience is being administered. After all, everything will fall into its perfect place in time, and thankfully, time is on your side! Wait patiently, so you are complete, lacking nothing. God bless!

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