Friday, February 2, 2024

 ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭13:4‬ ‭Love suffers long (patient) and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 

The wife finds herself picking up her husband’s clothes from the bathroom floor, puts the cap back on the toothpaste tube, and rehangs the towel on the rack so it will dry properly. She ponders the thought of fussing at him, but remembers he’s working two jobs and doing his part to provide for their family. Patience kicks in and she says nothing but gives God the praise for providing a husband who does his part to provide. 

I know that story sounds like a perfect love, and maybe it happens in your marriage every day, but the patience you once had now has turned to frustration and even resentment towards your spouse. 

One of the most basic elements of love is patience. Patience is like God's grace, it always covers the transgressions of the ones we love. Yea, we can still get frustrated and angry, but it's important not to allow those emotions put out the flame of love you have for your spouse or anyone you truly care about. 

Only God knows the miles of patience my sweet wife has for me, and I see it daily in our lives. I can honestly say it binds our love and shields her, and myself, from Satan’s lies that try to break down the foundation of our marriage. 

If you are like most spouses, you need some patience. Ask God to let patience permeate into the love you have for your spouse so the love bond will remain strong and able to weather those rainy days we all have in our relationships with one another. God bless. 

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