Monday, February 12, 2024

 For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

 Yesterday we held the funeral service for my wife’s mother, Mary Faye Lashley. During the service, the preacher said that Faye is now walking by sight, as she is in the presence of Jesus Christ in Heaven. What an awesome thought that our loved one is standing within eye sight of our Savior. She lived 92 years of life on this planet, walking by faith in Jesus Christ, believing that one day she would meet Him, face to face.

 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. 2 Corinthians 4:17

 92 years might seem like a long time to live by faith, but in comparison to eternity, it’s just a second. Living by faith, not by sight, takes a lot of work and dedication. Reading God’s word on a daily basis, developing a consistent prayer life, and seeking Godly wisdom as you face the daily challenges of life, will keep your focus on Jesus Christ and not on the things of this world. Satan will do all he can to discourage you from maintaining that faith and trust in Jesus, but remember, Satan is a liar and has no future, unlike those who chose to live by faith in Jesus Christ.

 Your life may be filled with challenges and struggles that weigh you down and sometimes make you question your faith in Jesus. Don’t let those momentary afflictions discourage you from losing faith in Jesus. One day you too will be rewarded with the sight of Jesus Christ, and that day will be here sooner than you think. Until then, walk by faith! God bless!

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