Sunday, February 4, 2024

 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. Ephesians 5:28

 I believe a person’s ability to love someone comes through the environment they were brought up in. Some homes are full of love, love between mom and dad, and love of family members and their children. Then there are homes in which love is replaced with “duty” and is conditional by how each person acts towards each other. And finally, there are homes with no love at all, it’s simply a dead environment, leaving that poor child to express his/her feelings and emotions through negative behaviors. Which household can you identify with?

 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her; Ephesians 5:25

 Even if you grew up in a loving household, you might have difficulty learning to love someone. Ephesians 5: 25 and 28 give great examples of how to love your spouse, and can be applied to others with whom you deeply care for. Loving your wife as your own body. Just for a moment think about how you take care of you. You look out for your own interest, you make choices that benefit you, you try to take care of your body and protect yourself from harm. This same mindset can be applied to the love you have for your spouse. You take care of them, you encourage them, you oftentimes put them first in your decision making so they’ll approve.  

 One of the key elements in loving someone was so well displayed by Jesus Christ, SACRAFICE! This is where you think of your spouse first, you oftentimes have to surrender your plans, your enjoyment, and the things or people that are the thorn in the flesh of your marriage. You don’t sacrifice out of duty; you do this out of love. Because when you love as Jesus Christ, you love yourself. Think about areas in your family where the elements of love need to be implemented and begin to see those relationships strengthened. God will bless you for loving others, just as He loves you!

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